
Between 1786 and 1834 the convents of Veracruz were justified with the argument of the ※public utility§, that one of the neighborhood of a town, for which they used to provide the sacraments and they contributed to the maintenance of the order and the local honor. After the independence new arguments appear: the welfare and the education. At the end of eigteenth century they were also considered beneficial to the State, because they preached the obedience to the king. But then and above all after the independence, they began to be considered useless or even dangerous for the ※public cause§. However, the attempt of secularization of 1834 shows us that the culture of the traditional ※public utility§ maintained its currency. Entre 1786 y 1834 los conventos veracruzanos se justificaban a partir de la ※p迆blica utilidad§, la del vecindario de una poblaci車n, al cual aportaban los sacramentos, colaboraban en el mantenimiento del orden y del honor local. Tras la independencia, aparecen como nuevos argumentos la beneficencia y la educaci車n. A finales del siglo XVIII eran considerados adem芍s ben谷ficos al Estado, pues predicaban la obediencia al rey; mas ya entonces y sobre todo tras la independencia, comenzaron a ser considerados in迆tiles o incluso peligrosos para la ※causa p迆blica§. Empero, el intento de exclaustraci車n de 1834 muestra que la cultura de la ※p迆blica utilidad§ tradicional manten赤a su vigencia.
