Vitiligo na infancia: caracter赤sticas cl赤nicas e epidemiol車gicas

作者:Silva; Claudia Marcia de Resende; Pereira; Luciana Baptista; Gontijo; Bernardo; Ribeiro; Geraldo de Barros
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2007.


background: vitiligo affects 0.5 to 4% of the world population. twenty-five per cent of cases have their onset before the age of 10 years. although the condition is prevalent in childhood, there are few epidemiological reports in children in the brazilian literature. objective: to evaluate clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of vitiligo in childhood. methods: a descriptive study was performed in 73 children with vitiligo seen at the pediatric dermatology outpatient clinics of the hospital das clinicas- universage federal de minas gerais. the variables sex, age of onset of disease and treatment, affected body surface area, clinical type, site, autoimmune disease association, family history of vitiligo and initial treatment were evaluated. the statistical analysis was performed using simple frequency and means were compared through analysis of variance. results: females accounted for 60.3% of the sample. the mean age at onset of disease was 5.7 years and the mean age at onset of treatment was 7 years. the body surface area affected was smaller than 1% in 71.8% and the localized type was detected in 76.7%. the most common site affected was the head. family history of vitiligo was observed in 30.1% of patients. hypothyroidism was found in one patient and 11% reported autoimmune diseases in their families. the initial treatment was topical steroids in the majority of patients. conclusions: the findings of vitiligo in childhood in this study are basically similar to those reported in other countries.
