
This study had as objective to evaluate whether the pillaging activity by native bees influences floral abscission. Samples were collected in ten individuals of Bougainvillea spectabilis. In the period between May 4 and June 1st, 2009, 2,874 flowers were collected on the ground and 2,895 from the plants, with three-day intervals between each collection and a total of 10 repetitions in each plant. We measured the total of closed flowers, open flowers, robbed flowers, normal flowers, open robbed flowers and nonrobber open flowers, in both soil and plant. For the statistical analysis, the T-test was used to see whether there was a difference between the averages obtained from the evaluated characteristics between the soil flowers and plant flowers. Simple linear regression was used to see whether there was a relationship between the closed flowers and robbed closed flowers found on the ground and open flowers and non-robbed open flowers in the plant. There were significant differences regarding all variables measured between soil and plant.A correlation was found at both closed flowers and robbed closed flowers found on the ground and open flowers and non-robbed open flowers in the plant. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a atividade de pilhagemde abelhas nativas influenciando a abscis o floral de Bougainvillea spectabilis. As coletas foram realizadas em dez indiv赤duos de B. spectabilis. Foram coletadas 2.874 flores no solo e 2.895 na planta no per赤odo de 4/5/2009 a 1/6/2009 com intervalo de tr那s dias entre cada coleta, totalizando 10 repeti es em cada indiv赤duo. Foram mensuradas as flores fechadas, flores abertas, flores fechadas pilhadas, flores fechadas n o pilhadas, flores abertas pilhadas e flores abertas n o pilhadas tanto no solo como na planta. Para as an芍lises estat赤sticas foi utilizado o Teste-T para verificar se houve diferen a entre as m谷dias obtidas das caracter赤sticas avaliadas entre as flores do solo e as flores da planta, al谷m de regress o linear simples para verificar se houve rela o entre as flores fechadas e flores fechadas pilhadas; flores abertas e flores abertas pilhadas, encontradas no solo e flores fechadas e flores fechadas pilhadas; flores abertas e flores abertas pilhadas na planta. Houve diferen a significativa em rela o a todas as vari芍veis entre o solo e a planta. Foi verificada correla o tanto nas flores fechadas e florespilhadas fechadas encontradas no solo quanto nas flores abertas e flores abertas n o pilhadas na planta.
