Tumor de C谷lulas de la Granulosa del Test赤culo, Tipo Juvenil: Reporte de un Caso y Revisi車n de la Literatura

作者:Tapia E; Oscar; Delgado S M; Carlos; Bellolio J; Enrique; Villaseca H; Miguel
来源:International Journal of Morphology, 2010.


juvenile granulosa cell tumor of the testis (jgct) is a uncommon clinical and pathological entity, typically present in children accounting for 15% of gonadal stromal tumors. its biological behavior is deemed benign and orchiectomy considered curative in these patients. we present a case of a male infant 3 months of age with a jgct diagnosed in the pathology unit of hospital hern芍n henr赤quez aravena, temuco.
