the aim of this paper was to determine the economic potential of a secondary forest with about 30 years of age that was left to regrowth after successive cycles of swidden agriculture. the study area is located in a family farm in the bragantina zone, pa. the inventoried area was 1.5 ha, where all the tree specimens with dbh 3 5 cm were measured. a total of 103 species were identified, corresponding to 1961 individuals/ha and 17.7 m2/ha basal area, the species with most number of individuals being sacoglottis amazonica mart., ormosia flava (ducke) rudd, eschweilera coriacea (dc.) s.a. mori and croton matourensis aubl.. the categories with highest number of species were rural construction (33%), followed by high value commercial timber species (30%), low value commercial and firewood (9% each).