Articular eminence morphology and inclination are reported to be two predisposing factors for the internal derangement (ID). The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the inclination and morphology of the articular eminence and ID. The study included 70 temporomandibular joints with ID in 35 patients: 51 joints had disc displacements with reduction (DDWR) and 19 joints had disc displacements without reduction (DDWOR). All subjects underwent bilateral high resolution magnetic resonance imaging scans which were performed in the sagittal and coronal planes with mouths closed and opened. Articular eminence morphology was characterized as box, sigmoid, flattened, or deformed. Articular eminence inclination was measured at three positions: steep (from 60~ to 90~), moderate (from 30~ to 60~) and shallow (from 15~ to 30~). The images were divided into two; DDWR and DDWOR, and these two criteria were compared. The images of the two groups were compared; while flattened form was occurred with the highest incidence in the DDWOR group, sigmoid form was the most frequent in the DDWR group and articular eminence inclination was found steeper than it was for the DDWOR group. The steepness of the articular eminence may not have a predisposing effect on the development of disc displacements. La morfolog赤a e inclinaci車n de la eminencia articular son reportados como dos factores predisponentes para el trastorno interno (TI). El prop車sito de este estudio fue investigar la relaci車n entre la inclinaci車n y la morfolog赤a de la eminencia articular y el TI. El estudio incluy車 a 70 articulaciones temporomandibulares, con TI en 35 pacientes: 51 articulaciones con desplazamiento discal con reducci車n (DDCR) y 19 de las articulaciones tuvieron desplazamiento discal sin reducci車n (DDSR). Todos los sujetos fueron sometidos a im芍genes de resonancia magn谷tica bilaterales de alta resoluci車n que se realizaron en los planos sagital y coronal con la boca cerrada y abierta. La morfolog赤a articular la eminencia se caracteriz車 como una caja, sigmoide, aplanada, o deforme. La inclinaci車n de la eminencia articular se midi車 en tres posiciones: empinada (de 60 ~ a 90 ~), moderada (entre 30 ~ a 60 ~) y poco profunda (entre 15 ~ y 30 ~). Las im芍genes fueron divididos en dos; DDCR y DDSOR, y estos criterios fueron comparados. Al comparar las im芍genes de ambos grupos, la forma aplanada se observ車 con mayor incidencia en el grupo de DDSR, la forma sigmoide fue la m芍s frecuente en el grupo de DDCR y la inclinaci車n de la eminencia articular se encontr車 m芍s pronunciada que en el