
Se muestra la adopci車n y la transferencia de diversos presupuestos gnoseol車gicos para fundamentar la gesti車n tecnol車gica ambiental, con 谷nfasis en un paradigma transdisciplinar. Se exponen las formas de comportamiento organizacional, as赤 como sus modelos culturales y la introducci車n de nuevas herramientas y dimensiones gerenciales en la base de la gesti車n tecnol車gica ambiental. Se formulan conceptos. Se analizan y critican sus presupuestos epistemol車gicos. Se interrelacionan, desde la perspectiva empresarial, las variables crisis, cultura y cambio. Se configura, desde el enfoque psicosocial, la asimilaci車n de la gesti車n tecnol車gica ambiental. Se explicitan los arquetipos provenientes de la escuela del pensamiento sist谷mico y se explican las proyecciones de comportamiento y actitudes organizacionales seg迆n el estadio de desarrollo organizacional. Se imbrican, entrelazan y transfieren t谷cnicas, principios y modelos de investigaci車n de las disciplinas de la consultor赤a, impl赤citas en las ciencias gerenciales, as赤 como de la inteligencia empresarial, asociadas con las ciencias de la informaci車n, con vista a resolver problemas de la gesti車n ambiental. It is shown the adoption and transferring of diverse gnoseological assumptions to found the technological environmental management, emphasizing the so called transdisciplinary paradigm. The forms of organizational behaviour, as well as their cultural models and the introduction of new tools and managerial dimensions into the basis of technological environmental management are exposed. Concepts are formulated and their epistemological postulates are analyzed and criticized. Variables such as crisis, culture and change are interrelated from the entrepreneurial perspective. The progressive assimilation of the technological environmental management is configured from the psychosocial perspective. The archetypes from the systemic thinking school are exposed and the projections of the behavior and organizational attitudes are explained according to the stage of organizational development. Research techniques, principles and models of the counselling disciplines, implicit in the managerial sciences, as well as of the entrepreneurial intelligence, associated with the information sciences, are overlapped, interrelated and transferred aimed at solving the problems of environmental management.
