objectives: to characterize the elderly in a geriatric day center, of rio claro (sp), according to depressive symptoms and functional impairment and also verify the relationship between depressive symptoms and performance in instrumental activity of daily living. methods: descriptive study, cross-sectional, which involved 36 elderly. the instruments used were: interview, geriatric depression scale and pfeffer%26apos;s instrumental activities questionnaire. data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and by the u mann-whitney test and spearman%26apos;s correlation test, with a significance level of 5%. results: there was a greater presence of women in the sample, which showed a mean age of 77.02 years old and 3.44 years of study. the prevalence of depressive symptoms and functional impairment was 30.5% and 63.8%, respectively, being higher among women. there was no significant difference between the variables compared to the genders and age groups. the spearman%26apos;s correlation test showed a rho = 0.38, p = 0.02, indicating a positive correlation but weak correlation between depressive symptoms and functional impairment. conclusion: we conclude that there is a low relationship between variables depressive symptoms and functional impairment, necessitating further studies to investigate other factors that may be related to these variables.