Tumor odontog那nico c赤stico calcificante com proliferaˋˋo ameloblastomosa em seio maxilar

作者:Carnasciali; Maria Carolina Gonalves; Alfaya; Thays Almeida; Tannure; Patricia Nivoloni; Ramos; Ruth Tramontani; Barcelos; Roberta; Gouvea; Cresus Vinicius Depes
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2012.


calcifying cystic odontogenic tumors (ccot) with proliferative ameloblastoma are a rare variant among maxillary cysts. this study aims to present a clinical report of an 18-year-old male patient with extra and intra oral swelling of the left maxilla, firm to touch, with normochromic characteristics and painless. the clinical approach comprised cone-beam tomography, incisional biopsy, complete removal of the lesion, curettage and maxilla fixation. his clinical and radiographic follow-up has revealed no relapse after 12 months. hence, this study corroborates the importance of early diagnosis, clinical approach and periodical follow-ups.
