Efecto de la Terapia l芍ser de Baja Potencia sobre el Hueso Alveolar Daˋado

作者:Landaeta Bendezu; Maria Jose; Suazo Galdames; Ivan Claudio; Cantin Lopez; Mario; Roa Henriquez; Ignacio Javier; Zavando Matamata; Daniela Alejandra
来源:International Journal of Morphology, 2008.


the low level laser therapy (lllt) has demostrated to have analgesic, antiinflamatory, bioestimulant and promoters from the tissues responses properties to the damage. the purpose of this study was determ赤nate the low level laser therapy effect in the damaged alveolar bone. thirteen sprage dawley rats were used. total number of anim芍is alveolar bones a standarized lesi車n was made, later an aleatory sample of seven rats was subjected to the irradiation protocol 6 j/cm2, three times per week during four weeks. the obtained samples of the injured 芍rea, of exposed and not exposed rats to the l芍ser therapy were processed for hematoxilin %26 eosin, being the osteon number count by optic microscope whith increase of 40x. the result show an increase in the osteon number in the irradiated group, this differentiated was statistically significant (p%26lt;0.01), whit a high strength of statistical association (or=5.6). these result suggest that the therapy l芍ser of low power favors the answer of the damaged alveolar bone.
