background: there is no consensus about dermal dendrocytes (dd) function on physiopathological events on psoriasis. pentoxifylline (ptx) is a methylxanthine that inhibits many inflammatory mechanisms. objective: the aim was to evaluate ptx effect on dd proliferation of psoriasis through immunohistochemical techniques. material and methods: thirty psoriatic skin specimens before and 8 weeks after 1200mg/day ptx were incubated with primary rabbit antibody anti-factor xiiia and binding antibody conjugated with alkaline phosphatasis. results: factor xiiia+ dd were prominent with large cytoplasm and markedly dendritic morphology. they were present in a diffuse manner in the papillary dermis and around vessels. after ptx they became oval with scarce cytoplasm, showed no dendritic extensions, and were only present in some papillary bodies. conclusion: ptx pharmacological action promotes vessel flow enhancement, endothelial cell adhesivity decrease, and mast cells and dd factor xiiia+ increase. ptx has an inhibitory action on tnf alpha, which could imply in a decrease of dd receptor expression, as ccr7, and maintenance of the tissular stimulus to signalization and migration of precursors, since the etiopathogenic processes would not be affected by the drug.