
in the present study, we characterized the floristic composition and tree structure of a swamp forest in northeast of sˋo paulo state, brazil, where the drainage pattern changes mainly across the watercourse due to the topography. we aimed to investigate the species distribution in relation to substrate and light entrance in the community. sixty quadrats (10℅10 m) were divided into six groups of 10 plots. in each quadrat, individuals with pbh %26gt; 10 cm were measured and identified. we also evaluated soil chemical properties, granulometry, topographic unevenness, drainage, and canopy openness. eighty-eight species were recorded, from which 61 were detected in the quadrats. canonical correspondence analysis (cca) indicated correlations between the distribution of the 29 most abundant species and drainage, topographic unevenness and fe in the axis 1, and canopy openness in the axis 2. spearman%26apos;s rank correlation coefficient indicated significant correlations between 66% from the 29 species and water table depth or canopy openness. as examples, calophyllum brasiliense and xylopia emarginata were predominant in poorly-drained soils; siphoneugena densiflora and virola sebifera, in the drained ones; and myrcia laruotteana and xylopia sericea, in the quadrats presenting higher canopy openness. environmental heterogeneity showed to be an important factor in determining the species distribution and coexistence, which increases local diversity.
