
objective: to identify the relationship between information resources usage (print and audiovisuals) and pregnancy in adolescence. hyphotesis: magazines and newspapers reading, as well as tv and radio preference, are associated with pregnancy in peruvian adolescents.methods: starting from the database of the demographic and health family survey (endes, in spanish) 2004-2005, we selected a sample of 1,567 adolescents, who were 15-17 years old when the survey was done. for the association test we used the 2 test. results: 2.3% of the adolescents were pregnant at the time of the survey. 6% were mothers of one or two children (n=96). preferred media were radio and television, in that order. conclusions: the three variables proposed in the model were associated with pregnancy in adolescence (p%26lt;0.01). recommendations: to promote the sexual education programs in schools by: 1) incorporating the sexual education course as an obligatory subject in the official curriculum. 2) implementing a network of sexual counselling centres (scc), channelled as projects of the national public investment system (snip, in spanish) through local and regional governments, so that the adolescents have a better knowledge of their sexuality and do not have to interrupt their life projects because of undesired pregnancies.
