although the knowledge about the floristic composition of the fragments of seasonal semidecidual forest had grown in the last few years, little is known about the liana communities (woody vines and herbaceous vines) in those fragments. to collaborate with the knowledgement of the lianas and subsidize future works involving this life form, a floristic survey of the liana species occurring at the fragment maravilha of the state park of vassununga (santa rita do passa quatro - sp) was carried out. the study area comprised 127.08ha, with average temperature of 22 oc. the whole border of the forest fragment and three tracks inside the forest were surveyed monthly between august 2002 and september 2003. one hundred and twenty species of lianas, belonging to 30 families and 71 genera were identified where 51% of them were twiners, 42% tendrilous and 7% scandents. the most representative families in number of species were: bignoniaceae (26), malpighiaceae (14), sapindaceae (12) and asteraceae (9). fragment maravilha given low similarity with other fragments of semidecidual forest in sˋo paulo state.