
OBJETIVO: Verificar a efic芍cia da educa o em sa迆de na ades o ao tratamento n o medicamentoso da hipertens o arterial. M谷TODOS: Foram analisados h芍bitos referentes 角 alimenta o, 角 atividade f赤sica e ao uso de tabaco e 芍lcool, bem como avalia o de medidas antropom谷tricas e n赤veis press車ricos, antes e ap車s a realiza o de grupos de educa o em sa迆de em 216 hipertensos. RESULTADOS: Houve mudan a estatisticamente significante no consumo de legumes, na ades o 角 pr芍tica de atividade, na redu o do 赤ndice de massa corp車rea e da circunfer那ncia abdominal e no controle da press o arterial, ap車s os grupos de educa o em sa迆de. CONCLUS O: A educa o em sa迆de proposta foi eficaz no incentivo 角 ades o ao tratamento n o medicamentoso da hipertens o arterial, evidenciando a relevancia da ado o dessas estrat谷gias educacionais pelos profissionais de sa迆de. OBJECTIVE: To verify the efficacy of health education on the adherence to non-pharmacological treatment in arterial hypertension. METHODS: Habits related to nutrition, physical activity and use of tobacco and alcohol were analyzed, as well as assessment of anthropometric and blood pressure levels, before and after the performance of group health education in 216 hypertensive patients. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant change in the consumption of legumes, in the adherence to physical activity, in the reduction of body mass index and abdominal circumference, and in the control of arterial pressure, after the health education groups. CONCLUSION: The proposed health education was effective in incentivizing the adherence to non-pharmacological treatment in arterial hypertension, evidenced by the relevance of the adoption of these educational strategies
