Immigration policies have never been as abundant and prominent as in our days, and yet immigration has never met with such an extended state of dissatisfaction. This article aims at explaining the underlying reasons for the above paradox, paying special attention to the many difficulties that immigration policies face nowadays and the challenges and dilemmas they are confronted with, particularly in the European Union region. Nunca, como en nuestros d赤as, han sido tan abundantes y prominentes las pol赤ticas de inmigraci車n, y nunca se ha vivido 谷sta con tanta y tan generalizada insatisfacci車n. El art赤culo pretenden explicar las razones que subyacen a tal paradoja, con especial atenci車n a las dificultades a las que se enfrentan las pol赤ticas de inmigraci車n en nuestros d赤as y los dilemas que las atenazan, en particular en el 芍mbito de la Uni車n Europea.