
作者:刘丽静; 郑娆; 李双喜*; 李晔; 赵檀; 黄泽盛
来源:风机技术, 2023, 65(05): 72-80.


The valve gasket for aero-engine is prone to creep under extreme conditions such as high temperature and high pressure. The creep failure of the gasket leads to valve leakage, which seriously threatens the safe and reliable operation of aero-engine. Aiming at the creep failure of FEP gasket in use, a timehardening creep model of valve gasket seal is established. The effects of time, operating pressure, material and structural parameters on the creep and sealing properties of FEP gaskets are analyzed. The results show that the compression rebound rate of gaskets decreases with the increase of time, and small compression rebound rate will decrease the sealing performance. The creep behavior of FEP gasket increases with the increase of operating pressure. Reducing the fillet radius can reduce the probability of shear failure, but also reduce the contact stress. Increasing the height of the boss can reduce the deformation behavior of the gasket, but reduce the contact stress on the sealing surface. When the gasket bevel angle is 85°, the creep property and contact stress of the gasket are higher than those of other sizes. But large bevel angle leads to the gasket unsticking.Replacing the FEP material with the polyimide material can improve the creep resistance of gaskets and the contact stress of sealing surface. Considering the service life and sealing effect of gasket, the material is replaced with polyimide plastic, the fillet radius is 0.20mm, the bevel angle is 85°and the boss height is 0.2mm.
