Aneurisma idiop芍tico de la arteria pulmonar: Presentaci車n de un caso y revisi車n de la literatura

作者:Tomas Labat; M E de; Beltran Beltran; S; Molina Naveros; S; Navarro Botella; F; alvarez Soto; D; Perez Moro; E; Aldamiz Echevarria Castillo; G
来源:Anales de Medicina Interna, 2005.


woman of 63 years old with essential arterial hypertensi車n, essential trembling and chronic venous insufficiency of inferior members; she came to the internal medicine outpatients department because of her chronic venous insufficiency, objectifying in the physical examination a systolic heart murmur ii/vi in the left sternal border and many signs of chronic venous insufficiency in the inferior members. in the chest radiograph was found as an accidental finding, a properly delimited vascular image in the left upper mediastino, for this reason there were later realized diverse complementary examinations gradually more aggressive, that included a pulmonary angiography which revealed the presence of an aneurysmatic dilatation in the common and left pulmonary arteries. with these findings, the patient was undergoing a surgical operation, in which was realized a partial resection and folder to the common and left pulmonary arteries to reduce diameter to 2-3 centimetres, with a post-operative period without complications and staying without symptoms after the surgery.
