稀 土 离 子 掺 杂 微 纳 激 光 器 研 究 进 展

作者:Liu Hong-Gang; Chen Jian-Hao; Xiao Zi-Fan; Ping Wen-Liang; Dong Guo-Ping*
来源:Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2022, 43(11): 1663-1677.


Microlasers have huge potential in areas such as integrated optical paths and nanotechnology, owing to the capability of scaling physical dimension of devices down to micro-/nanometer level. In numerous materials, Rare-earth(RE) ion doped laser gain micro/nano materials show many advantages such as low preparation cost, good environmental stability and abundant spectrum bands(ultraviolet to mid-infrared), making it an ideal laser gain micro/nano material. In recent years, the emergence of various cleverly designed RE ion doped laser gain micro/nano materials and the design and manufacture of new micro/nano optical resonators have greatly promoted the development of new RE ion doped microlasers. In this paper, the design and preparation of novel RE ion doped laser gain micro/nano materials and the basic principle of micro/nano optical resonator are briefly introduced. Then, the representative RE ion doped microlasers are reviewed and their preparation process and laser performance are discussed. ? 2022 Chines Academy of Sciences.
