
The present study was designed for observing the effect of AST (an Ayurvedic formulation) on the kidney function parameters of rats* plasma after its chronic administration. The animal used was albino rats (Rattus novergicus: Sprague-Dawley strains) and the drug was administered per oral route at a dose of 40 ml/kg body weight, once daily, up to 41 days for all the experiments. Forty rats, equally of both sexes, were randomly grouped into four where one male and one female group were used as control and other groups were used as test. Almost similar trend of result was observed in both male and female rats except the level of Creatinine. Incase of male rats there was an increase in all the studied parameters in comparison with the control group. The increase in Creatinine level was not statistically significant. But it was statistically highly significant (p=0.001) incase of urea and uric acid. On the other hand in the female rats, there was statistically highly significant (p=0.001) decrease in the Creatinine level. But there was statistically highly significant (p=0.001) increase in the urea and uric acid level.
