we present the case of a 14 year old male without antecendents of psychiatric treatment, although one year ago, following a surgical intervention on his knee, he presented a period of greater despondency and social withdrawal. since three months ago he has been more euphoric and hyperactive, with conflicts with his family and friends. he came to the accidents and emergencies service of this hospital accompanied by his father. evaluation by the psychiatry service was requested facing the presence of maniac symptoms (psychomotor anxiety, verbal incontinence, dysphoria and delusions of grandeur). following evaluation it was decided to send him to the psychiatric hospitalization unit for diagnostic evaluation and treatment. during his hospital stay the patient was diagnosed as having bipolar disorder (in its maniac phase) and a long term treatment was initiated with a mind stabilizer (valproic acid) and antipsychotic (risperidone). following the stay he was sent to the mental health centre for follow up and evaluation of the disease.