O Complexo Vegetacional da Zona Litoranea no Cear芍: Pec谷m, Sˋo Gonˋalo do Amarante

作者:Castro; Antnio Sergio Farias; Moro; Marcelo Freire; Menezes; Marcelo Oliveira Teles de
来源:Acta Botanica Brasilica, 2012.


due to its geographical location, the northeastern coast of brazil (litoral setentrional do nordeste - lsn) is a hotter and drier climate than the eastern coast. in addition, because of its proximity to caatinga and cerrado, the lsn contains species from these vegetation biomes and from the restinga on the coast, which comprise different plant formations and creates a vegetation complex. despite the great importance of this ecotone, there are few studies about its flora. the objective of this work was to contribute to what is known about the floristic and phytosociological composition of this region. we made a floristic survey in the area (between 2007 and 2011), consulted herbaria data from the region and made a phytosociological study in a stretch of coastal semideciduous forest (mata de tabuleiro). the study recorded 382 plant species from 96 families. in the phytosociological survey (0.32 ha) we recorded 2,970 individuals and 52 species. the most abundant plants surveyed were the trees manilkara triflora, chamaecrista ensiformis and guapira nitida and the shrubs cordiera sessilis and maytenus erythroxyla (average height 3.8 m, average diameter 6.2 cm, basal area 39.28 m2/ha). the local flora includes floristic elements of caatinga, cerrado and restinga, corroborating the idea that the plant community of the coastal region of cear芍 has an ecotonal nature.
