
Diabetes mellitus can cause astrocytes alterations in the central nervous system. Urtica dioica (Nettle) is among several species listed for their use against diabetes in folk medicine. Therefore, this study was done to evaluate the protective effect of Urtica dioica on astrocytes density of the dentate gyrus in STZ induced diabetic rats. In this experimental study, 21 male albino Wistar rats were randomly allocated equally into normal, diabetic and protective (nettle treated diabetic) groups. Hyperglycemia was induced by streptozotocin (80 mg/kg) in the animals of diabetic and treatment groups. Before induction of diabetes in animals, animals in protective group received hydroalcoholic extract of Urtica dioica (100 mg/kg/BW /day) for five days intraperitoneally. Four weeks after induction of diabetes, animals were sacrificed and coronal sections were taken from the dorsal hippocampal formation of the right cerebral hemispheres and stained with PTAH stain. The area densities of the astrocytes were measured and compared in the three groups (p %26lt; 0.05). The number of astrocytes in DG area of controls was 17.72㊣6.7. The density of astrocytes increased in diabetic (24.26㊣9.5) in comparison with controls. The density in the nettle treated rats (23.17㊣5.8) was lower than diabetic rats. This study showed that the administration of U. dioica extract before induction of diabetes can not significantly help compensate for astrocytes in the dentate gyrus of treated rats. La diabetes mellitus puede provocar alteraciones de los astrocitos en el sistema nervioso central. La Urtica dioica (ortiga) es una de varias especies incluidas para su uso contra la diabetes en la medicina popular. Este estudio se realiz車 para evaluar el efecto protector de la Urtica dioica sobre la densidad de los astrocitos en el giro dentado en ratas con diabetes inducida por STZ. En este estudio experimental 21 ratas albinas Wistar fueron asignadas al azar equitativamente en grupos normal, diab谷tico y protegido (diab谷ticos tratados con ortiga). La hiperglicemia fue inducida por estreptozotocina (80 mg/kg) en los grupos de animales diab谷ticos y en tratamiento protector. Previo a la inducci車n diab谷tica, los animales del grupo protegido recibieron, por v赤a intraperitoneal, extracto hidroalcoh車lico de Urtica dioica (100 mg/kg/peso corporal/d赤a) durante cinco d赤as . Cuatro semanas despu谷s de la inducci車n de la diabetes, los animales fueron sacrificados y se tomaron secciones coronales de la formaci車n del hipocampo dorsal de los hemisferios cerebrales derechos y se ti eron con tinci車n PTAH. La densid
