Anatomical variations in the region of axilla and pectoral region are very common. These variations need attention to avoid complications arising during surgeries and diagnostic and interventional invasive procedures in this region such as surgeries for breast carcinoma, venous access during central venous line, pacemaker and cardiac defibrillator implantation etc. During routine cadaveric dissection we had noticed a rare variation of axillary vein and artery. In this case axillary vein, just deep to the inferior border of pectoralis minor was pierced by the lateral thoracic artery, a branch of axillary artery. Perforation of the axillary vein by a branch of the axillary artery is extremely rare variation encountered till now. We report a variation wherein the lateral thoracic artery a branch of the second part of axillary artery was unusually long and perforated the axillary vein, just posterior to the inferior border of pectoralis minor muscle before supplying the structures in the anterolateral chest wall. Histological findings revealed duplication of lumen at the site of perforation through which the lateral thoracic artery was passing and the surrounding area was sealed by the connective tissue. Sound knowledge of anatomy of axillary and pectoral region may help in reducing complications while doing surgical and diagnostic procedure in these regions. Las variaciones anat車micas en las regiones axilar y pectoral son muy comunes. Estas variaciones necesitan atenci車n para evitar las complicaciones que surgen durante las cirug赤as y los procedimientos invasivos de diagn車stico e intervenci車n en esta regi車n, tales como cirug赤a de c芍ncer mamario, acceso venoso para una v赤a venosa central, implantaci車n de marcapasos y desfibrilador, etc. Durante una disecci車n de rutina se evidenci車 una variaci車n poco frecuente de la vena axilar y arteria axilar. Se presenta una variaci車n en que la arteria tor芍cica lateral, rama de la segunda parte de la arteria axilar, inusualmente larga, perforaba la vena axilar, justo por detr芍s del margen inferior del m迆sculo pectoral menor, antes de irrigar a las estructuras de la pared tor芍cica anterolateral. La histol車g赤a revel車 la duplicaci車n del lumen en el sitio de perforaci車n a trav谷s del cual pasa la arteria tor芍cica lateral, que perif谷ricamente fue sellada por tejido conectivo. La perforaci車n de la vena axilar por una rama de la arteria axilar es una variaci車n que raramente se observa, por eso un buen nivel de conocimientos de la anatom赤a de las regiones axilar y pectoral puede ayudar a reducir las complicaciones cuando se realiz