
the aim of this study was to complete a preliminary, floristic, phytosociological analyses of a vegetation remnant in the criminoso stream basin, in order to provide data for future projects focusing on vegetation recovery. the total area of the remnant was determined using a gps and the software pathfinder and autocad. samples of individuals larger or equal to 20 cm cbh were made in 20 quadrats that were 300 m2. thirty-six genera and 49 species, within 26 botanical families, were found. the family leguminosae was the richest in species, followed by the annonaceae. xylopia aromatica was the most frequent species, presenting values of ivi and ivc of 99.77 and 85.73, respectively. more than 50% of the species present in the area are pioneer or secondary taxa, and five of these species are considered typical of riparian forests: tapirira guianenses, cecropia pachystachya, terminalia argentea, ocotea pulchellae and luehea grandiflora. the vegetation remnant of the criminoso stream basin is strongly degraded and needs specific management plans for the fragments that have and lack vegetation, whose recommendations are proposed.
