Persea americana (avocado) is widely grown in parts of Southeastern Nigeria and used as a medicinal plant in the treatment of several ailments by alternative medical practitioners but very little research has been carried out on its pharmacotoxicity. This study therefore intends to study the histopathologic effect(s) of Persea americana aqueous leaf extract on the liver and kidneys of rabbits. Fresh leaves of Persea americana were processed using the Soxhlet extraction to obtain the aqueous extract. Three (3) groups of weaner rabbits namely the control, the recommended dose and the high dose groups were given water, 75mg/kg/ and 150mg/kg per day of the extract respectively for 28 days. The animals were sacrificed, the liver and kidney were harvested, fixed in 10% buffered formol saline, processed into paraffin wax, sectioned at 5米m and stained by the Haematoxylin and Eosin method and Perl%26apos;s Prussain Blue method. Slightly better weight gain by the experimental groups suggests that the extract enhances appetite. Histopathology of the liver and kidney of the recommended and high dosage groups were not different from the control group suggesting that the plant extract is beneficial except for the observed loose stool, suggesting increased bowel emptying. This however did not affect weight gain. La Persea americana (aguacate o palta) crece ampliamente en algunas partes del sudeste de Nigeria y se utiliza como planta medicinal en el tratamiento de varias dolencias por profesionales de la medicina alternativa, pero muy poca investigaci車n se ha llevado a cabo en relaci車n a su toxicidad farmacol車gica. Este estudio tiene el objetivo de estudiar el efecto histopatol車gico del extracto acuoso de hojas de Persea americana sobre el h赤gado y ri ones de conejos. Hojas frescas de Persea americana fueron procesadas mediante extracci車n con Soxhlet para obtener el extracto acuoso. Tres grupos de conejos destetados denominados control, dosis recomendada y dosis alta se les dio agua con 75mg/kg/d赤a y 150mg/kg/d赤a del extracto respectivamente durante 28 d赤as. Los animales fueron sacrificados. Los h赤gados y ri ones fueron recolectados y fijados al 10% en formol tamponado y luego procesados en parafina. Se ti eron cortes de 5米m por los m谷todos de Hematoxilina-Eosina y de Perl (azul de Prusia). Un aumento ligeramente mayor de peso en los grupos experimentales sugiere que el extracto aumenta el apetito de los animales. La histopatolog赤a del h赤gado y ri 車n en los grupos dosis recomendada y dosis alta no fueron diferentes al grupo control, sugiriendo que el extracto de la planta es