this study aims to evaluate richness, density specific diversity and distribution of the chlorococcales s.l. community in pelagic and littoral zones of different aquatic habitats (isolated lagoons, interlinked lagoons, swamps, reservoirs and streams) during two hydroperiods (high and low water) in a subtropical region in southern brazil. phytoplankton sampling was carried out in two areas, situated within the coordinates 30040∩ - 30010∩ s and 50030∩ - 51031∩ w, in 2003 with simultaneous information on temperature, conductivity, ph, transparency and depth of water. the results showed that richness and specific diversity averages were higher in the littoral zone and significantly higher (p24~c). among the observed taxa desmodesmus heteracanthus (guerr.) hentschke %26 torgan, d. lunatus (w. et g. s. west) hegew. and monoraphidium griffithii (berk.) kom-legn. were habitat indicators and d. armatus (chod.) hegew., d. denticulatus (lagerh.) an, friedl et hegew. and d. lunatus were hydroperiod indicators. this study shows the importance of habitats and hydroperiods for chlorococcales s.l. community structure.