Effect of different pearling times on the quality of hull-less barley rice [不同剥皮次数对青稞米品质的影响]

作者:Rong X.; Qiao L.; Yunshu Z.; Yueyan Z.; Futong X.; Yuhong Z.; Zhifen P.*
来源:Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology, 2022, 28(4): 971-981.


Hull-less barley is a special food crop rich in various nutrients in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Six-pearling is often used to produce commercial hull-less barley rice in order to improve its rough taste and inferior cooking quality. This study evaluated the differences in the nutritional, cooking, sensory, and storage qualities of hull-less barley rice with different pearling times to obtain suitable processing conditions for the production of high-quality hull-less barley rice. With increasing pearling time, the contents of vitamin B6, vitamin E, dietary fiber, iron, zinc, phenols, and flavonoids significantly decreased to a large extent, protein and vitamin B3 decreased slightly, the contents of total starch and β-glucan increased significantly, and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) initially increased and then decreased. The peak, trough, and final viscosity of whole grain barley were 1 860.50 cP, 914.50 cP, and 2 150.00 cP, respectively, and increased after six-pearling to 4 219.00 cP, 2 628.00 cP, and 5 074.00 cP, respectively. At the same time, the water absorption and volume expansion of the pearled hull-less barley increased significantly. The hardness of pearled hull-less barley reduced from 4 708.50 g to 2 282.00 g, its adhesiveness increased from 0.00 to -7.33, and its taste and sensory quality exhibited better. The activities of α-amylase, polyphenol oxidase, lipase, and catalase in pearled hull-less barley slightly decreased. Hull-less bran flour is rich in a variety of nutritional components and could be a potential resource with great developmental value. In general, hull-less barley rice obtained from three-pearling has high nutritional value, high cooking quality, low enzyme activity, and low energy consumption; therefore, it can be used to produce high-quality barley rice. This study provides important information for high-quality pearled hull-less barley and further utilization of barley bran flour.