
Le processus de transition engag谷 en R谷publique d谷mocratique du Congo en avril 1990, s*est accompagn谷 d*une 谷mergence et d*un foisonnement de journaux. Cette r谷alit谷 a transform谷 les principaux coins de vente des journaux, en instance privil谷gi谷e du d谷bat congolais, pris en otage 角 longueur de journ谷e par des lecteurs infatigables commun谷ment appel谷s Parlementaires debout. Cette 谷tude essaie d*analyser le fondement th谷orique de ce ph谷nom豕ne de soci谷t谷 o迄 une sorte d*alliance des pauvres est tr豕s convaincue de changer le cours de l*histoire par l*appropriation de l*espace m谷diatique dans la lutte qui opposa singuli豕rement le pouvoir (Mobutu) et l*opposition (Tshisekedi) entre 1990 et 1997. L*exp谷rience congolaise de Parlement debout ne pourrait servir de mod豕le 角 la gestion de l*espace public africain qu*角 la condition d*une r谷cup谷ration intellectuelle du ph谷nom豕ne susceptible de le tirer de la rue vers une r谷flexion plus 谷lev谷e et innovante au service d*une d谷mocratie populaire r谷ellement participative, conclut l*谷tude. The transition process initiated in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in April 1990 was followed by the emergence and proliferation of newspapers. This reality has turned the main newsstands into a privileged Congolese debate site where indefatigable readers commonly known as ※Standing-up MP*s§ gather all day long to comment the news. This paper attempts to analyse the theoretical foundation of the social phenomenon in which the poor, forming some kind of alliance, are strongly convinced that they can change the course of history by ap-propriating the media space in an intense struggle opposing the ruler (Mobutu) and the opposition (Tshisekedi), between 1990 and 1997. The paper concludes that the Congolese experience of ※Standing-up MP*s§ can serve as a model for African public space management only if it is ※scholarly exploited§, that is to say probably taking it off the streets for a deeper and innovative reflection at the service of a people*s democracy that is truly participatory.
