Pseudo-aneurisma de art谷ria tibial posterior p車s-tratamento de fratura de perna com fixador externo: relato de caso e revisˋo da literatura

作者:Morais Filho; Domingos de; El Hosni Jr; Ramzi Abdallah; Diniz; Carlos Alberto Morselli; Perozin; Igor Schincariol; Gonalves; Juliana Palmeira; Diniz; Jose Antnio Morselli
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2007.


we describe a case of pseudoaneurysm in the posterior tibial artery following treatment for tibial and fibula fractures using external fixation (ilizarov technique), as well as the techniques used for its treatment. ultrasound-guided compression and ultrasound-guided thrombin injection were unsuccessfully performed. definite treatment of pseudoaneurysm and arterial reconstruction was achieved through the traditional surgical treatment, using interposed graft of inverted homologous great saphenous vein. indications, advantages and disadvantages of noninvasive treatment techniques (ultrasound-guided compression and ultrasound-guided thrombin injection) and the possible causes of their inability in obliterating the pseudoaneurysm are discussed. a literature review of pseudoaneurysms of the posterior tibial artery was also carried out, resulting in only one similar case out of 24 published cases.
