O hemograma nas anemias microc赤ticas e hipocrˋmicas: aspectos diferenciais

作者:Matos; Januaria Fonseca; Dusse; Luci Maria Sant' Ana; Gomes; Karina Braga; Stubert; Rachel Versiani Bressane; Ferreira; Mnica de F Ribeiro; Moreira; Roberta Coeli Neves; Fernandes; Ana Paula Salles Moura; Faria; Jose Roberto de; Carvalho; Maria das Graas
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial, 2012.


differential diagnosis of microcytic anemia is clinically important. in an attempt to make this diagnosis more cost-effective, the use of some parameters obtained from automated blood count analyzers has been suggested. the objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of blood count parameters in differentiating microcytic anemias. blood parameters were compared in 395 patients with iron deficiency anemia, chronic disease anemia or thalassemia minor. the number of red blood cells showed the highest combined sensitivity and specificity in differentiating these anemias. hence, blood counts may be a useful tool in the differential diagnosis of microcytic anemias.
