Oftalmomi赤ase como causa de lesˋo canalicular

作者:Saraiva; Fabio P; Fernandes; Jose B V D; Tomikawa; Vivian O; Costa; Patricia G; Matayoshi; Suzana
来源:Jornal de Pediatria, 2005.


objective: myiasis is the invasion of human tissues by diptera larvae. ocular involvement is uncommon. trauma is the major cause of lacrimal apparatus lesions. however, it is rarely associated with parasitic infestation. the objective of this paper is to report a case of canalicular laceration caused by dermatobia hominis larva. description: an eight-year-old girl presented preseptal cellulitis that was refractive to antibiotics. a dermatobia hominis larva was observed inside the lacrimal sac. surgical extraction was performed and laceration of the lacrimal drainage system was noted. comments: parasitic infection of the lacrimal apparatus is rare. surgical extraction is the treatment of choice in such cases. despite being uncommon, ophthalmomyiasis should be considered as a possible diagnosis when cellulitis is not responsive to antibiotics, especially in endemic areas. this is the first description of lacrimal drainage system injury by dermatobia hominis larva.
