Traduˋˋo e adaptaˋˋo cultural da Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11) para aplicaˋˋo em adultos brasileiros

作者:Malloy Diniz; Leandro Fernandes; Mattos; Paulo; Leite; Wellington Borges; Abreu; Neander; Coutinho; Gabriel; Paula; Jonas Jardim de; Tavares; Hermano; Vasconcelos; Alina Gomide; Fuentes; Daniel
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria, 2010.


objectives: the objective of this study was to translate, make transcultural adaptation and assess the semantic, idiomatic and literal equivalence of the barratt impulsiveness scale (bis-11). methods:this scale assesses the presence of impulsive manifestations from the theoretical model proposed by ernst barratt. firstly, the bis-11 original version in english was translated to portuguese by six bilingual researches. after this, was made the back-translation to english by a translator that was born in united states. then, the three versions (original, translated and back-translated) were assessed by a specialists committee which made and analyze and comments about the process and then we reach the final translated version of bis-11. the original and translated version of bis-11 was applied in two samples from general population with proficiency both in english and portuguese. this method was adopted to assess the literal, semantic e idiomatic equivalence of these versions by mean of correlation analyses. conclusion: the final results of quantitative analyses show that the final version of bis-11 is satisfactory.
