the flora of the serra do cip車 has been extensively studied, especially since the start of the %26quot;flora da serra do cip車%26quot; project, coordinated by the departamento de botanica of the universidade de sˋo paulo. however, until now collections have been concentrated in the western part of this region. the goals of this work were to discuss the phytophysiognomy and composition patterns of the arboreal flora of the serra do cip車, analyze the contribution of the flora of the eastern portion of the serra do cip車 to the entire flora of this region and to discuss the classification of the eastern portion in regards to the atlantic forest and cerrado phytogeographical domains. the species found by a previous study in the eastern portion of the serra were analyzed, as well as those surveyed by the project %26quot;flora da serra do cip車,%26quot; which are predominantly from the western part of this region. five hundred and thirty arboreal species were encountered, 88 common in both regions, 250 exclusive to the western part and 192 exclusive to the eastern part. results revealed the floristic heterogeneity of forests in the serra do cip車, which is correlated to its disparate environment and is mainly related to its lithology and elevation. the eastern portion of the serra do cip車, which is part of the atlantic forest domain, presents a relatively abrupt transition to campo rupestre, and is often intermingled with candeais.