
objective: to determine the effect that re-education of the thoracic and abdominal muscles has on the respiratory muscle strength of patients with cystic fibrosis evaluated over time at the cystic fibrosis outpatient clinic of the universidade cat車lica de bras赤lia (catholic university of bras赤lia). methods: the sample consisted of 29 cystic fibrosis patients, characterized based on anthropometric, genetic and bacterial colonization data. the patients were submitted to physical therapy sessions, involving re-education of the respiratory muscles, twice a week for four months. spirometry, pressure manometry and anthropometry were performed before and after each session. results: comparing baselines values to those obtained after physical therapy, increases in maximum inspiratory pressure and maximum expiratory pressure were observed in all patients, those without any obstructive respiratory disease and those with mild obstructive respiratory disease (p %26lt; 0.05). a positive correlation between age and maximum expiratory pressure was observed for most of the patients. maximum inspiratory pressure correlated positively with age only in the group with mild obstructive respiratory disease (p = 0.012; r = 0.817). in female patients and in the group of patients without obstructive respiratory disease, a negative correlation was observed between maximum expiratory pressure and colonization with pseudomonas aeruginosa (p = 0.036; r = -0.585). conclusion: use of the thoracic and abdominal muscle re-education technique increased respiratory muscle strength in the cystic fibrosis patients studied, a finding that underscores the importance of including physical therapy in the treatment of these patients.
