purpose: to study the respiratory repercussion of differents pneumoperitoneum pressions, with carbon dioxide, induced in pigs. methods: it was used 14 male landrance-race pigs, weighing between five and seven kiloragram, with 30 a 45 days of age. the sample was iqually divided in group a (10mmhg of intra-abdominal during 60 minuts) and group b (15mmhg of intra-abdominal during 60 minuts). after anesthetic induction, the animals were intubed and kept under monitoring the current volume (cv) and oxigen peripheric saturation (spo2). results: it not had statistical difference in cv and spo2 values before, during and after the induction of pneumoperitoneum. conclusion: pneumoperitoneum, at the level of 10 to 15mmhg of intra-abdominal pression, did not cause significance alterations on pigs respiratory standart, during the time period studied.