8‐1: Distinguished Paper: A Cost‐Effective Fluorination Method for Enhancing the Performance of Metal Oxide Thin‐Film Transistors Using a Fluorinated Planarization Layer

作者:Deng Sunbin; Zhong Wei; Dong ShouCheng; Chen Rongsheng; Li Guijun; Zhang Meng; Yeung Fion Sze Yan; Wong Man; Kwok HoiSing
来源:SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, 2021, 52(1).


This work reports a fluorination method for metal oxide thin‐film transistors through a planarization process using fluorinated polyimides. The fluorine diffusion from the planarization layer to the channels enhances device performance and reduces process thermal budget. This method is useful for the cost‐effective production of active‐matrix flat‐panel display panels.
