the agroforest systems (saf's) presents an agro ecological alternative of production under sustainable basis for the families farmers, in the v芍rzea (floodplain) of the solimˋes/amazonas rivers, especially when it is refereed to the forest management, to the products diversity, and the incomes. this study has objective to understand the different ways of appropriation and management of natural resources through safs in the different subsystems as clearing, home garden, and lakes as a sustainability component of families* farmers from costa da terra nova located in the careiro da v芍rzea county (amazon). the methodology used was the case study with the questionnaires applied, interviews and participant observation. the families* production in the costa da terra nova is represented for agroforestry systems accordingly with the subsystem: farm, home garden and lakes that provide products for their subsistence as much as much for local commercialization. the local communities established the agriculture as a fundamental activity. the main product is obtained from the vegetables grown during the receding water period in the field subsystem in the communities sˋo francisco and nossa senhora da conceiˋˋo; and the extrativismo fishing boat on subsystem lake in water period, predominant in community sˋo jos谷. the animal raising is used only for self-subsistence, being the birds and the pigs the mainly domestic animals raising in the three communities. thus, the traditional agroforestry systems combined with the forest subsystem, clearing, home garden, and lakes are responsible for social-economics sustainability for the studied area, and could be used as an alternative agriculture better adapted for the local conditions at the amazonian floodplain areas.