Obesidade e estresse entre trabalhadores de diversos setores de produˋˋo: uma revisˋo integrativa

作者:Ribeiro; Renata Perfeito; Ribeiro; Patricia Helena Vivan; Marziale; Maria Helena Palucci; Martins; Mariana Bessa; Santos; Maikon Rosa dos
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2011.


objective: to identify the relationship between obesity and stress among workers in various sectors of production. methods: this is a study conducted using the method of integrative literature review. to search for articles, we used the following databases: medical literature analysis and retrieval system online (medline), the latin american and caribbean health sciences (lilacs); scientific electronic library online (scielo), scopus; web of science (isi). descriptors used for this search were: obesity, occupational stress and workers. results: seven articles were included. regarding the purpose of the study, the selected articles showed no significant relationship between obesity and stress. conclusion: we reiterate the need for studies with more precise designs to show the relationship between obesity and stress of the worker.
