
The morphological characteristics and haematological studies were studied in fifteen male albino rats (Wistar Strain) aged between 12 and 14 weeks and with a body weight of 150- 180g. The rats were allowed to feed on commercially prepared rat pellet and provided with fresh water ad libitum. The rats were divided into three groups; the rats were in groups A, B and C of 5 rats each. Group A served as control of the study; Group B was treated with Chloramphenicol at the dose rate of 25mg/kg body weight per os for 20 days; while Group C was treated for 25 days. Semen used in this study was obtained from the caudal epididymides while morphological aberrations were determined from spermatozoa counted after stained with Wells and Awa stain. Results of the spermiogram showed that the volume was decreasing as the prolonged dosage of chloramphenicol increases. The percentage motility in Group A (89.0 + 2.45%), differed significantly (p %26lt; 0.05) when compared to Group B (72.0 + 3.74%) and Group C (66.0 + 2.45%). The same pattern is observed in percentage liveability, morphological aberration and sperm concentration. This indicates that prolonged dosage of chloramphenicol will cause infertility in male animals. It is therefore concluded and recommended that prolonged dosage of chloramphenicol can cause infertility and or sterility. So it should not be used in male animals meant for mature breeding and artificial insemination programme. Fueron estudiadas las caracter赤sticas morfol車gicas y hematol車gicas de 15 ratas albinas Wistar, macho, entre 12 y 14 semanas y con un peso corporal de 150 - 180g. Las ratas fueron alimentadas con pellet preparado comercialmente y con agua fresca ad libitum. Las ratas fueron divididas en tres grupos de 5 ejemplares cada uno. El Grupo A sirvi車 como control; Grupo B fue tratado con cloranfenicol en dosis de 25mg/kg de peso corporal durante 20 d赤as, mientras que el Grupo C recibi車 este tratamiento durante 25 d赤as. El esperma utilizado en este estudio se obtuvo desde la cauda del epid赤dimo, donde las aberraciones morfol車gicas fueron determinadas a partir del conteo de espermatozoides, despu谷s de ser te idos con la tinci車n de Wells y Awa. Los resultados del espermiograma puso de manifiesto que el volumen fue disminuyendo a medida que la dosis de cloranfenicol aumentaba. El porcentaje de motilidad en el grupo A (89,0 ㊣ 2,45%), fue diferente significativamente (p %26lt;0,05) en comparaci車n con el Grupo B (72,0 ㊣ 3,74%) y Grupo C (66,0 ㊣ 2,45%). El mismo patr車n se observ車 en los porcentaje de habitabilidad, aberraci車n morfol車gica y la concentraci車n
