A study of the time and amplitude characteristics of the scintillation counter two meters long with ΦЭУ-115M photomultiplier tubes

作者:S. P. Denisov; A. Dzierba; A. K. Klimenko; R. Mitchell; V. D. Samoilenko; E. Scott; P. Smith; S. Teige
来源:Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 2006, 49(4): 494-501.


Abstract(#br)The time and amplitude characteristics of a scintillation counter were investigated on an accelerator beam with a momentum of 5 GeV/ c at the Institute for High Energy Physics. The scintillator, with a length of 2 m and a cross section of 2.5 × 2.5 cm 2 , was viewed from its end faces b...