Mercado de trabajo, salud laboral e inmigraci車n

作者:Parra; A; Fernandez Baraibar; J; Garcia Lopez; V; Ayestaran; J R; Extramiana; E
来源:Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra, 2006.


the process of economic and social change that navarra has undergone in recent decades has been associated with the arrival of a growing flow of immigrants since the start of the new century. they have had a decisive influence as a factor of economic change in terms of production increase and internal demand. a new navarra is being built thanks to the phenomenon of migration. in the first place, we analyse their impact on demographic growth. their influence on the labour market, with its highlights and shadows, is evaluated. foreigners already are about 10% of the active population and their presence in some productive sectors is decisive for their viability. the dysfunctions and problems of the labour market are reviewed, especially the question of accidents. finally, the behaviour of the indicators of temporary disability of this collective are set out. although this phenomenon has brought an imbalance in some spheres of social policy (education, housing, health), it can be said that the model of integration in navarra is based on a generous welfare system, a social climate that is in general tolerant, and sustained economic growth.
