
O sistema linf芍tico 谷 um componente do corpo humano intimamente relacionado ao sistema venoso. Entretanto, o conhecimento cient赤fico a seu respeito 谷 limitado. A etiologia e os fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento do linfedema no p車s-operat車rio de cancer de mama s o multifatoriais e ainda n o foram completamente esclarecidos. O objetivo desta revis o da literatura foi descrever o padr o linfocintilogr芍fico e avaliar as compensa es linf芍ticas do membro superior no p車s-operat車rio de cancer de mama com dissec o axilar. The lymphatic system is a component of the human body that is closely related to the venous system. However, scientific knowledge of this system is limited. The etiology and risk factors for the development of postoperative lymphedema in patients with breast cancer seem to be multifactorial and have not been fully understood yet. The objective of this review of the literature was to describe lymphoscintigraphic pattern and to evaluate upper limb lymphatic compensation following breast cancer surgery with axillary dissection.
