objective: to evaluate the effect of chemotherapy on the physical condition of patients with advanced lung cancer. methods: we evaluated 50 patients with non-small cell lung cancer (in stages iiib and iv) and eastern cooperative oncology group (ecog) performance status scale scores between zero and two. all patients underwent chemotherapy using paclitaxel and platinum derivatives and were evaluated at three time points (prechemotherapy, postchemotherapy and six months after starting the treatment), at which the ecog scale, the body mass index (bmi) and the six-minute walk distance (6mwd) were assessed. results: of the 50 patients included in the study, 14 died, 5 were excluded due to the worsening of their performance status, and 31 completed the six-month follow-up. there was no statistically significant difference between the time points of assessment for bmi (prechemotherapy vs. postchemotherapy, p = 1.00; and prechemotherapy vs. six months later, p = 0.218) or for 6mwd. performance status improved, and this was especially due to the increase in the number of asymptomatic patients after the six-month follow-up (p = 0.031). conclusions: chemotherapy had a beneficial effect on the performance status of the patients. no significant changes in bmi or 6mwd were found during the study period, which might suggest the maintenance of the physical condition of the patients.