
objective: to identify factors related to post-traumatic amnesia of long duration. method: a prospective, longitudinal study, with 187 victims of blunt head trauma, age %26gt;14 years, seen at a referral hospital for trauma. independent variables included: age, sex, severity of head injury, location and type of injury, number of brain lesions, and use of medication with central nervous system activity or corticosteroids. results: the logistic regression model adjusted by the variable area of injury (intra / extra-axial) showed: an initial glasgow coma scale of 3 (or = 2.80) and use of phenytoin (or = 2.60), midazolam (or = 2.83) or both drugs (or = 3.83). conclusion: the use of midazolam and phenytoin, and the severity of head injury, were identified as related factors for long-term amnesia.
