
the rhea (rhea americana) is a native ratite from south america which has woken up since a few years ago a big productive interest. however the detailed morphology of the rhea at the level at the domestic birds is still unknown in many aspects, on of them is the peritoneum. the aim of this work is to describe the parietal, visceral and connection peritoneum of the rhea according to the anatomical avian nomenclature. seven specimens of adult rhea were used, five males and two females about 8 and 25 kg of weight. all of them proceeding from a commercial farm. the animals were slaughtered before their study. the peritoneum that cover the abdominal wall and the visceral and connection peritoneum that support the abdominal viscera were observed and described. the peritoneal cavity were divided into two parts, one was craneal to the ventriculum (1/3 parts from the total of the abdomen) and the other was caudal (2/3). into the cranial part we founded the liver and the gallbladder while into the caudal part we founded the intestine and the pancreas. the stomach was fixed to the liver cranially to the right by a minor omentus and caudally to the left was fixed by a small major omentus with a close omental bag. the root of the mesentery was fixing the yeyuno, ileum and both caecums between its sheets towards wide ileocecalis creases. from the mesentery root a short mesoduodenum was holding the descending and ascending duodenum towards the right. the colon was supported by a wide mesocolon. we concluded that this ratite has similarities with the domestic birds. nevertheless, the thickness and strong connection peritoneum and the compartmentalization of the peritoneal cavity make us suppose that it is an adaption to the race since it is a big subjection to the abdominal viscera.
