La obesidad es una enfermedad cr車nica, considerada un factor de riesgo importante en el desarrollo de enfermedad coronaria, hipertensi車n, insuficiencia y fallo renal. La obesidad contribuye a la hipertensi車n por mecanismos tales como: resistencia insul赤nica e hiperinsulinemia, aumento de la actividad adren谷rgica y de las concentraciones de aldosterona, retenci車n de sodio y agua e incremento del gasto card赤aco, alteraci車n de la funci車n endotelial, a trav谷s de mol谷culas como leptina y adiponectina y factores gen谷ticos. Quedan a迆n abiertas muchas v赤as de investigaci車n. Los IECA y/o los ARA II son f芍rmacos de primera elecci車n por su efecto beneficioso sobre la resistencia insul赤nica y actividad simp芍tica. Obesity is a chronic disease, considered to be an important risk factor in the development of coronary disease, hypertension, renal insufficiency and failure. Obesity contributes to hypertension by mechanisms such as: insulinic resistance and hyperinsulinaemia, increase of adrenergic activity and of concentrations of aldosterone, retention of sodium and water and increase of cardiac wear, alteration of the endothelial function, through molecules such as leptin and adiponectin and genetic factors. Many paths of research remain open. The angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) and/or the angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARA II) are first choice medicines because of their beneficial effect on insulinic resistance and sympathetic activity.