
the main changes that are taking place in the superior education correspond to a reframing of their curricula. among others, the formation of professionals with end profiles structured on the basis of competences. the study of the anatomy is not far to these innovations. this is dictated, traditionally, in the first levels of the professional formation; nevertheless at the time of applying them in clinical situations, this knowledge must be reincorporated or reinforced in the students, on the one hand, by the time passed between both situations of learning and by another one by the lack of relation and application in the clinical context. in this sense, it is possible then to ask itself: which are the competences and knowledge in the area of the anatomy, that must have the student when it faces clinical situations, and what degree of real knowledge has? the present work is an attempt to determine on the part of 30 teachers of clinical subjets of the department of dentistry of the university of antofagasta the more relevant competences than must develop the students in each clinical subjet, the anatomical knowledge required for the execution of these clinical competences and to evaluate the level of anatomical knowledge that handle the students at the time of initiating the learning of such subjets. a self-administered questionnaire was used and an interview to each clinical unit chief was made. the 49.6% of the teachers consider that the anatomical knowledge of the students when initiating the clinical subjets are very good and good, regular 42.5% and only 7.9% think that these knowledge are bad. the main competences that must have the students in the different clinical subjets and the relevance from the anatomical knowledge necessary to make clinical procedures, as well as the suggested methods were determined to reinforce the anatomy
