
OBJETIVO: Examinar a validade concorrente do escore Nine Equivalents of Nursing Manpower Use Score (NEMS) em compara o ao Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System-28 (TISS-28) em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Pedi芍trica (UTIP). M谷TODOS: Estudo de coorte prospectivo observacional, realizado na UTIP de um hospital universit芍rio brasileiro, no per赤odo de dois anos, com uma amostra de 816 pacientes. Foram realizadas 7.702 observa es de cada um dos escores. RESULTADOS: A m谷dia da pontua o m芍xima do NEMS foi 26,6㊣9,2 e do TISS-28 21,3㊣8,2. Em todas as m谷dias, o TISS-28 foi inferior ao NEMS (p%26lt;0,001). Houve uma boa correla o entre eles (r2=0,704 para todas as observa es). A concordancia entre o TISS-28 e o NEMS foi boa, apresentando apenas 6,2% de diferen a entre os escores. CONCLUS O: Os resultados mostraram boa correla o e concordancia entre o TISS-28 e o NEMS, permitindo validar o NEMS nessa popula o de pacientes pedi芍tricos. OBJECTIVE: Examine the concurrent validity of the Nine Equivalents of Nursing Manpower Use Score (NEMS) in comparison to the Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System-28 (TISS-28) in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). METHODS: Prospective observational cohort study conducted in a PICU of a Brazilian university hospital over a period of two years with a sample of 816 patients. A total of 7,702 observations were obtained for each of the scores. RESULTS: The average maximum score of the NEMS was 26.6㊣9.2 and for the TISS-28 it was 21.3㊣8.2. The TISS-28 was lower than the NEMS (p%26lt;0.001) for all the averages. A good correlation was observed between them (r2=0.704) for all observations. Agreement between the TISS-28 and the NEMS was good, presenting only a 6.2% difference between the scores. CONCLUSION: The results show good correlation and agreement between the TISS-28 and the NEMS, enabling the NEMS validation in this population of pediatric patients.
