The paper aims to study the production of carved stone artifacts for architectural purposes from the documentary sources relating to the city of Girona (Spain) during the Middle Ages (12th-15th c.). Within these materials, specific attention will be devoted to windows, ornamental fountains, liturgical furniture, religious and civil cloisters as well as to the production of mortars for household and industrial use (e.g. apothecaries). In addition, this work will analyse who the stonemasons were, their work system and topographical location in the city. The ownership and location of the main quarries as well as the marketing strategies for the products, either by land or by sea, to the different territories of the Crown of Aragon and nearby areas will also be examined. A trav谷s de la abundante documentaci車n conservada, estudio de la producci車n en piedra de prefabricados de aplicaci車n arquitect車nica en la ciudad de Girona durante la Edad Media (s. XIIXV). N車mina de estos productos: ventanas, fuentes monumentales, elementos de mobiliario lit迆rgico, claustros religiosos y civiles. Tambi谷n la producci車n de morteros de uso domestico e industrial (boticarios). Evaluaci車n del sistema de trabajo, ubicaci車n topogr芍fica e integrantes del colectivo. Propiedad y localizaci車n de las principales canteras y comercializaci車n del producto por tierra y por mar hacia los distintos territorios de la Corona de Arag車n (peninsulares e insulares) y 芍reas pr車ximas.